Getting there

The apartment is slowly coming together. It should not be long before we can call it finished.

By the end of this month, we hope to have Juan back with us; that has been a long time coming. We have said that while the apartment was being remodeled, it would be too confusing for him to live here.

The constant moving of totes from this part of the apartment to that part; the constant upheaval of things, is confusing enough for us, much less for a man in his nineties! Anyway, we look forward to the reunion. We have several things planned for him, and cannot wait to see him enjoying them.

Here are a few photos of the living room, as it was this morning, at two o’clock. It is actually starting to resemble a living/dining room! It is, still, quite a ways from being finished, but, at least, it is becoming live able.

We still have a dozen, or more, totes that we need to decide what to do with the contents. When we do, we will store them in our storage unit, up on the roof. We just have too much stuff! It is not like up North; have too much stuff? Have a garage sale! They do not have garage sales here; none that we have seen anyway.

And, it is not like anyone has any money to buy things, even if we could find a way to sell it. Most of our excess will be given away, as usual. No big deal. We are not out to make money on these things. We are just understanding that there are many things we do not need down here, that we did up North.

Take comforters, for an example. I purchased, and we used, several while living in Iowa! Here, the need is much less. We still use a comforter most of the year, so far, but we certainly do not need six of them. Plus, they take up two totes worth of space that we need to get rid of! Someone will benefit, just not sure who at the moment.

Please, wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved one, while you remain happy, healthy, and safe.

Post script: in six months I have to start my residency renewal, as we have been here almost two years! I am breathless with anticipation! Time flies!