It has taken some time, but, finally, it is coming to fruition.
I enjoy using that word, and don’t get enough opportunity to use it, so I use it here.
The other day, I took the covers off of the stovetop heating elements, (I use that term because I cannot, for my life, remember what they’re called; where the flame comes out to heat,) and cleaned all of the burned on food, grease, what have you.
I scrubbed with Ajax, with steel wool, with a butter knife. Absolutely nothing touched the stuff. I had half a mind to order one of those foam sprays I keep seeing on the SM sites, where the grime just rinses off.
I didn’t. When the light bulb came on in my head, I went to the pantry, got my handy dandy putty knife, and within 15 minutes, the stovetop looked like new. I’ll show you, only the after though, as the before got away from me.

After that was done, I looked around, and saw, to my horror, the exhaust fan was filthy. The fan is worthless, and doesn’t exhaust to the outside, just blows in further into the kitchen, so I rarely use it; except to draw in air from the laundry area, like a small breeze. Then it works.
Caution required at this point. What you are about to see may shock you. (Shouldn’t really though.)

I have to wipe it down again with water, but I have temporarily lost the impetus. (Another favorite word 😉
So, this morning, about 1:30am, I was unable to sleep, again, and was tired of just lying there, trying to turn off my mind so
I got up, went into the living room, cleaned off the long, foldable plastic table, and put away as much of the stuff that was cluttering it all up as I could do without waking Ivan, or the condo. Went back to bed at 2:30am, got up at about 10, and finished what I had started. Soooo much nicer, I think. Once I get rid of the totes, and boxes by the folded table, I will have enough space to start exercising.

Lord knows I have to do something to help me lose weight. I can’t stand this any longer. It just isn’t me.
I have gotten out my resistance bands, put them into a semblance of order, have printed out a few weeks of 15 minute workouts, and will begin working out
Hopefully soon. I certainly don’t want to rush into anything. 😉
Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.
I looked up in my owner’s manual…the covers are called burner caps…fyi😜