Getting “it” together

I’ve called the credit card companies to get our online access back in place, and, so far, so good.

Two of the three I now have access to, but the third is going to take time to “authenticate” me as the holder of the account. Ugh! I hate calling the customer service people.

The very nice lady I spoke with this morning had a very pronounced accent which was really difficult to understand until I relaxed enough to pretend I was back at work, trying to understand the different accents of the surgeons with whom I worked. Then, it all became clear.

She sent me a temporary password, which, when I typed it in, was supposed to start with a lower case letter. I tried, several times, to make it a lower case, but to no avail. I even tried to copy, and paste; that didn’t work either. She kindly asked me to open another search platform, (I use Safari), and actually type the password in. I opened Google, typed in the password, and voilà, it worked.

I now have access to our Credit Union account; just like that. What a wonderful woman.

I wonder why, though, the Safari platform wouldn’t allow me to type in lower case? Hmmm. A thought to ponder; another day, perhaps.

Until then, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves. Pay attention to any CoVid updates, or just be proactive. Stay safe.