Getting anxious

Every day we seem to be drawing closer to our moving day, however, it continues to elude us.

We stopped by the apartment last evening to see what progress had been made since last week. To our anxious eyes, very little. We are thinking that Martín is possibly fabricating the cabinets, so very little can be done, now, until they are ready. They cannot bring the granite countertops until they have the cabinets on which to place them. Same with the sink, faucets, and drains. The bedrooms, on the other hand, are all but completed. The kitchen, and the bathrooms are all that is left. The washer and dryer are in place; they need only to make a small hole in the window behind the dryer for the vent.

So, I suppose we will just have to keep our hopes up, and not get discouraged. We will be in the apartment by the end of November, and, hopefully, be ready for family by the Christmas holidays.

Speaking of the holidays, there is a Mediterranean dish that has become quite a Mexican tradition, being served at the Christmas holiday season. It is called Bacalao, or, Bacalao a la Viscaina, (Basques style Cod fish Stew). And there are as many versions of it as there are families, all over the world, that prepare it.

There are a few “must haves”, however, such as salted cod, potatoes, romeritos, (similar to rosemary in the North), olives, tomatoes, red peppers, capers, onions, and garlic. The key to using the salted cod, versus fresh, is the desalination of it. And that takes several days, so one needs to plan accordingly.

This was our version of Bacalao in 2017. I cannot tell you how delicious it was. We traditionally eat it with a loaf of crusty bread to soak up the juice. We even froze some for January.

I am finding more, and more receipts to try, and now that we have new appliances, the wait is getting overwhelming. We are going to live without a microwave, however, for as long as possible, because, I think, we have the ability to function without a coffee warmer!! It seems that is the only thing we use a microwave for- reheating a cup of coffee. Now, we have a new Breville Espresso machine, and, a new multifunction Breville Smart Oven, that also has air fryer capabilities.

The last toys I bought were two new attachments for our Kitchen Aid mixer- a vegetable sheet maker that came with a noodle maker. How cool is that? So, maybe you can see why I am so anxious to start cooking on our own again. It seems like forever, but it has only been 5 months. I am not sure where to start, or, what to make first, but I am sure it will come to me. I am frequently inspired by what we find in the stores. I will let you know, of that you can be sure.