Get away

We had the opportunity to get out of the apartment for twenty four hours, so,

we took it.

Ana, sister of Jesús, came over, and spent the night, the other night, so we could take Lizbeth, and Gabi, to Los Altos. We were gone, as I said, only twenty four hours, but had a chance to rest, breathe fresh air, walk outside, and do absolutely nothing but enjoy the sun.

We will be back by mid afternoon, and will start in again, caring for Juan; that is perfectly fine with me. I was able to do the things I needed to do to recharge my self, and I am ready to persevere.

I have to say, though, that it is very cold in LA, this time of year, and, it has been promised to get even colder in the next few weeks. Remember, there is no central heat, no space heaters, no electric blankets, nothing. The walls, ceilings, and floors are all concrete, and, they all hold onto the cold just like they do in CDMX. Taking a shower, here, is out of the question right now. (We shower before coming here.)

Another person, close to us, has contracted CoVid, but is recovering nicely. This person has not had to go to the hospital, to be given respiratory assistance. This person has used their natural immunity to overcome this, and, should, now, be completely immune to other variants. Natural immunity; God’s way of healing you.

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.m