Gas prices

What can I say really?

That %^#$ is expensive.

You folks are paying, on average, $4.85/gallon. Here, we just had a price increase for premium, (92 octane) to $24 pesos/liter. As there are approximately 4.25L/gal, that roughly comes out to be $5.03/gallon.

Here’s a thought for you; our BMW has an 85L capacity, if not full full. You know what I mean; don’t stop filling the tank until you can’t put anything else inside. Right? Then, it’s closer to 87L.

Those 85L, or 19 gallons, cost $24 pesos/liter, or $2040 for a full tank. That equates to about $101 dollars per tank. That said, we fill up after using 1/4 tank, roughly $500 pesos, or $25. Much easier to come up with than $2050 pesos, or $110. Yikes. We have bills to pay, groceries to buy. You know the drill.

The Mercedes Benz, has a 70L tank, 15 gallons, or $1680 for a minimal tank fill, or $85 for a real fill.

We use only the Benz in town. The BMW only leaves the garage for distance driving; when we can get the most mileage out of the vehicle.

Nevertheless, we aren’t going to go to Costco very often; it’s a 22 km. drive, round trip. Really, though, we only go monthly, now that we are only supporting ourselves, and Los Garcias. We spend approximately $250 – $300 monthly, depending on if we need paper products, meds, that expensive stuff.

That said, everything is becoming expensive, but paper products such as diapers, wipes, paper towels, toilet paper, dinner napkins, all of these just about cause me to fill out an application to work at Costco; just to get some sort of discount.

Not really. If I ever have to work again, it will be too soon. In my dreams I have become an imbecile; as if I have never worked a day in my life as a nurse. (Actually, most of them need my prior expertise to get whatever the horrid job is, done. Yay me. Not very restful, however.)

As far as gas prices go, write to your Congress person, and have them tell the President to stop blaming Russia for the horrible inflation you are experiencing. Tell that individual, or individuals, that he can change all of that by working with Congress to increase oil, and gas production in the US. They’re all there; he just has to sanction the retrieval of both. Job done.

Until you find the courage to do this, and I know you can, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect yourselves.