Fun words

There are several Spanish words I’ve learned over the years that I have either great fun with, or much trepidation with when saying them.

Apúrate (a-POO-rah-teh) being my favorite fun word. It means ”hurry up”, or “snap to it”. Isn’t that fun? It rolls off the tongue without hesitation, and gets the point across. Bam. Hurry up. Apúrate.

Federal (feh-theh-RAL), is one of my all time least favorite words to pronounce as the second syllable stumps me every time. The more I say it, repeatedly, however, the easier it is when I’m done abusing my tongue. I try to say it as infrequently as humanly possible.

Pejelagarto- (peh-heh-lah-GAR-toe), another favorite that I learned just recently, while watching an episode of MasterChef Mexico 2015, about foods prehispánico. The pejelagarto, is an amazing “fish”. I won’t explain it all here, but copy, and paste the word, and do a Google search. Look at the photo above, especially at the teeth. Some of the contestants had to clean, and cook the little buggers. No thanks.

Guajolote- (gwah-ho-LO-teh), turkey. I enjoy saying the more difficult to pronounce words, as my father-in-law used to tell me how wonderful my pronunciation was. It was very encouraging to me. Guajolote is, simply, an everyday turkey, like those roasted for the holidays.

Huacolote- (huah-co-LO-teh), is, simply, a beautiful peacock. Similar pronunciation, difficult for us elders to remember the difference, but still fun to pronounce.

I suppose that should be all of the fun words to explain to you folks for today. Not to worry, however, as I will continue to update, and educate those of you that are interested in “fun words”, as I find them.

I will let you get back to your everyday lives. I hope you are enjoying said lives, as we are here.

Until next we meet, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.