Fun things

I take extreme pleasure in watching videos on YouTube that have been filmed anywhere in Europe.

It doesn’t matter where in Europe, and it doesn’t have to be there, specifically. Really, they can be anywhere where there is beautiful scenery.

I take advantage of that by taking screenshots of something that I wouldn’t normally see, and saving them for my own use later; specifically making them into puzzles.

I have told you folks, before in a post, that I enjoy doing puzzles on my computer. The app that I use allows me to make my own puzzles from photos I have taken, and saved.

I love it. Not only do I get to see a part of the world I will, probably, never get to visit, but I get the opportunity to see that particular place for a couple of hours, as that’s how long it normally takes for me to finish a puzzle. Let me show you a few shots I’ve taken.

One would think this a silly photo, but I absolutely adore it. The creativity of people never ceases to amaze me. Photos like this bring a much welcomed smile to my face.

Here is a photo taken by a YouTuber on a train traveling through,

Damn it. I don’t remember where they went, but the videos they took were amazing. Look. (Maybe it’s the Alps?)

I think the above photo was taken somewhere in New Zealand, but, of course, do not quote me on that. Isn’t it spectacular?

Just one more, and I’ll stop. This photo is a mine that is still in operation somewhere in the world. I can’t remember where this one is either. Duh!

You get the idea. These photos make wonderful puzzles, and they didn’t cost me a penny.

Until next time, stay happy,healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.