Fresh air

We were sitting in the median, on the edge of a large planter, (see photo) between oncoming, and going, traffic on one of the main streets in our area of the city the other day.

The poinsettias are gone, replaced with spring flowers. But this is a similar planter with traffic on both sides.

We were having the car washed. The temperature was twenty eight degrees Celsius, (eighty two degrees Fahrenheit) and there was a lovely breeze blowing. It felt like late spring up North.

Today it is in the upper seventies, low eighties. With a breeze that is directly from Heaven, which makes the heat, dare I say it, lovely? Ok, I said it. One could not, nor should not, ask for a more beautiful day. I do not think it possible.

The trees and flowers are blooming again, the breeze is blowing, and the sun is shining. We are blessed. .