Follow up

You should get a kick out of this.

I refreshed my Kombucha recently after probably a year of it sitting in its container, on the counter in pantry. I’m hoping I haven’t killed it.

I figure, however, that without having fed it for soo many months, now that it’s been fed, it should take off, guns blazing, as it’s said.

I’ll let you know.

I did, however, throw the huge SCOBY away as it was too large to reuse. (I’m not going to take the organics pail downstairs until I’m sure what was usable is still, in deed, usable).

Here’s the SCOBY; remember that stands for symbiotic culture of bacteria, and yeast. It’s got to be more than a year old, if not, then it’s close to that. I just got out of the habit of second fermentation cycle, and let it just sit there. That’s our 5 gallon container that I use for the initial fermentation. After it has finished that process, I go on to the flavoring of the Kombucha, in the second fermentation process.

So, next week this batch should be ready for flavoring, which I will do with fresh mangoes, and pineapple. Love the combination of those two fruits. Now that I’ve typed that, I think I will also try guayaba, or guava as it is called up North. Oh, it’s also called passion fruit.

Anyway, I’ll let you know how it all turns out, when it turns out.

Until then, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.