Folding clothes

Did I mention that I found, on YouTube, of course, a different way of folding some clothing items so they fit in smaller spaces? Well, I did.

Underwear, bras, and socks.
Just one of two bins of tops. The other one is full.
My leggings went from flat, to rolled, which takes up less space. Bonus: I can see which legging pattern I want to wear at a glance. No more rummaging through a pile.

I must tell you that I have done this for years with the Lula Roe leggings, and, the Pico bamboo tops (above photo) I wear, but never knew I could do this with my sports bras, and undies. What a pleasant surprise.

Folding all of Ivan’s underwear, there are quite a few pair, (why is a single item of clothing, such as underwear, called a “pair”, do you suppose? Most people only wear one at a time!) took me about thirty minutes, or about one minute each, to fold this way. Now they fit in a smaller area of his drawer, and are much easier to get to. I will put half of them away, so, when those he is using wear out, he will have “new” ones to wear. I know; I am so smart, am I not?

From this mess…
To this.

And then, I learned about towels, and, sheets, and, bedding. Oh, my!

Bath towel, hand towel, and two face cloths. Yay!

It is so easy to do, once you find the time to do them this way. I have no problem with that part of the equation at all. My biggest concern was the space required. When I decided to use the bed where J, L, and G sleep, poof; problem solved.

I have never had what one would call a laundry room, or space to fold clothes, or, cut out fabrics to sew. Now, after reallocating said bed top, I now have the space I need, to fold clothes, anyway. Also, the bed is high enough that it does not hurt my back, overly, to bend over it. Well worth the time, I assure you.

While you contemplate where you will start folding your clothes, towels, and bedding, stay happy, stay healthy, and stay safe. Do not forget to wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.