
I have, once again, started hanging our laundry on our newly repaired clothes line.

It has been several months since I was able to hang our clothes to dry, and not rely on the dryer so much. The dryer does get rid of the lint, but uses too much gas to heat it. Since we have a nice bit of airflow through the laundry area window, it’s silly not to use it to dry the clothes.

The only trouble with this way of doing things is that the window also lets in the dust from El Popocatépetl, our local volcano, which, at the moment, is very active. The amount of dust that has landed on every horizontal surface here is unprecedented.

Which means, I suppose, that I should dust more often.


I have taken a vow to allow someone to take up this task for me as whatever penance they feel they need to work off. 😀 Far be it for me to have taken that opportunity away from them. I don’t know who they are but I’m sure it’s someone.

I digress.

I believe I told you that a few weeks ago, I decided to fix the clothes line, after having waited for himself to do it for several months now. I took the rope off, washed, and bleached it, and let it dry. Then, I took down the metal piece that holds the rope, (see the photo below. It used to be hanging on by a thread), scraped off the peeling paint, and plaster, squeezed clear silicone into each of the 3 holes, and put the metal piece, and the 3 screws with the plaster expander things back in the holes. I had squeezed the silicone the entire length of the metal piece, then all around the edges. I don’t think it’s going anywhere anytime soon.

The newly siliconed clothes line thingy.
My first load of wash on the new(ish) line.

As far as El Popo getting crazy, check it out on YT, I believe. It’s really quite active.

Well, I have 3, or 4 more loads of clothes to wash, and hang, so that will happen over the next few days. Gives me time to take all of the above down, fold them, and possibly put them away. Always a guess.

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.