Fever- CoVid diary day 2

With chills, cough, joints, and muscles aching, heads full of snot, headaches, backaches.

Need I continue?

It hit us both on the night of the 15th of July. Ivan started by coughing, and sneezing like he meant it. I started with the sinuses, and a stabbing pain in my lower back. We have since escalated from there.

Here it is, the morning of the 16th, and we’ve been in, and then out of bed all night; neither of us has had any sleep. Neither of us can breathe while lying down. Fever, then chills, then coughing. My sinuses are too full for me to lie down, much less sleep. The CPAP machine can only do so much.

On our bed, we have a top sheet, a mid-weight cotton blanket, a fleece blanket, and as of last night a Mexican blanket. We’re both still freezing.

He’s sure it’s just a ”summer cold”; I’m yet to be convinced. Hopefully the milk, and water kefir grains I ordered won’t be delivered until tomorrow. I might have enough energy to go down, and receive them.

Hope all of you are well. I’ll keep you posted. For now, I’m going to try to sleep sitting in my nest.

Until next time, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Post script: alas, the grains were delivered, and I did go downstairs to receive them. Not a good idea.

It is now 7:20pm on the 16th, and I think we’re actually worse than this morning. If you have a spare minute to include us in a short prayer, they’d be very much appreciated. We don’t have access to the same style of healthcare as we did in the US.

Thanks in advance.

5 thoughts on “Fever- CoVid diary day 2”

  1. Sorry for your troubles… you used to be afflicted with bronchitis every year like clockwork… hope you can find some products to ease your discomfort ♥️♥️

    1. Thanks. I have a small bottle of nasal spray coming tomorrow from Mercado Libre. I’m so tired; full stop. I’m tired of blowing my nose every 10 minutes, of coughing, even more often, of the aches, pain, and headache. I haven’t slept since Friday night. Poor me.

    2. Thanks. I haven’t been this sick in ages. It feels like I’ve been gargling with crushed glass. Hopefully it will be gone soon. Love you.

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