Feast, or famine

Your choice.

I have been keeping the grow lights fully directed on the plants, from about seven thirty am, until ten o’clock pm; everyday. I noticed this evening, that most of the herbs are all drying up. What?

Ok. Simple. Check the soil with the water meter. No movement on the gauge! NOTHING! Not even a budge. So, duh! Ivan mentioned that he thought they were getting too much sunshine, so, I reprogrammed the timers to come on with the brighter sun in the morning, about eight am, and go off about six thirty pm. More like the real sun. We shall see what happens over the next few days. Hopefully, I have not killed everything.

It is affecting the herbs, for the most part. It is always something; too much water, now, not enough water. Good thing we do not have to depend on the herbs to feed us, or we would be dead. Humbling, definitely; let me just put that out there, right now.

Every time I start to think I have some control over what is happening around me, I am reminded that, nope, I sure do not. So, once again, I am going to do my best to learn from yet another lesson being shown to me.

Should have been common sense, really, but not when I am trying to guide things. I thought longer sunlight would help everything grow even better. Just dried every fragile thing up. Live, and learn. I intend to continue to learn.

For your part, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.