F’d up

No clue how I did it, but do it, I did.

I was dozing one night recently, when, at about 2am, I made to roll onto my back from a slight tilt to my right side when a pain, such as I had never experienced, shot through my right shoulder, and down to my elbow. It had me fully awake, and crying out in said pain.

I tossed, and turned for several hours, trying to find a position comfortable enough to take another nap, finally getting up to take 800 mg. Ibuprofen.

About 6:30am I decided sleep was no longer an option so, after taking the above Ibuprofen, went looking for our elusive heating pad. It was right where I remembered seeing it, but I didn’t think it was complete. I actually had, for a moment, both the wrap, and the electrical cord in my hand. I thought, however, that there was more to it, so I put it back where it had been, and went whimpering, back to the bedroom.

I sat up, watched some YT vlogs, (Trek Trendy, my latest fav), had a cup of coffee, took another 400mg. Ibuprofen, when Ivan came in to help me. He went right to the wrap, and cord, brought them in for me, and get me settled in bed where I stayed for the next 3 hours.

I must have overextended my right shoulder, possibly by letting my right hand relax passed it’s normal range of motion whilst napping, lying tilted to the side. It’s the only thing I can understand that makes any sense. However it happened, I hope never to do that again.

I’m am up, sitting at my tray in the bedroom, trying to get up the courage to leave the wonderful heating pad aside for a bit, and go make some avocado toast. We’ll see. Time will tell.

Hmmm. Guess I won’t be able to do the laundry today. What a shame.

Happy birthday to my younger sister, Nancy. Many, many more mi querida.

Until next time, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Keep your arms inside the ride until the ride comes to a complete stop.

Post script: day 2; after having 4 doses of 800-1200mg Ibuprofen with hours, upon hours of heating pad use, I have significantly more ease of movement (about 40%) in my shoulder, and was even able to move enough to prep chicken, and veg to make more chicken soup tomorrow. Yay!!!

Post post script: on day 3, I have about 80% pain free movement in my shoulder; the only movement that really still hurts is lifting it straight up in front of me, as if reaching up into a cabinet. Or washing my face. Or combing my hair. Or putting on makeup. Or turning on the exhaust fan. Or hanging anything on the clothes line.

Note: for the foreseeable future, I will be posting Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I have enough already typed for the next couple of months. See you soon.