Excellent news

We learned, just the other day, that our friends, Jesús and Lizbeth, are pregnant again. (She said it was okay to tell you.)

Excellent, because, as you may remember, they had a stillborn baby girl just before this Christmas past; at six months gestation. They go to the cemetery to visit her every time we go to Los Altos. Very sad.

She has been depressed every since, but has, over the past few months, slowly come out of the depression. We do not doubt that, living in that tiny cell upstairs, has played a significant part in that episode. Now that they are down here, with us, they all three seem to be thriving. Amazing what a bit of human touch, love, kindness, and understanding can do for people!

That said, they give as well as they get; they help us remain human as well. In fact, when she returns from Los Altos in two weeks, she is going to teach me how to make sauces for the meat we cook. Already, she/they help us around the apartment with anything that needs to be done. Liz came downstairs yesterday just to help me fold, and put away, all of the Pico tops I have, (and I have close to three dozen of them. Check them out on eBay! Most are made of bamboo!)

Anyway, we folded them, then put them back into the felt bins I had taken them out of; that was when I thought I was going to use the drawers in the newest cabinets, just inside our bedroom door. Alas, there are too many of them, so into the bin they went. Now, they are all back up on the shelf in the closet, where they started last year;)

In fact, she inspired me to redo my half of our closet, moving all of my blouses up to the top pole, and put whatever slacks, or leggings I have yet to fold, on that second pole. Oh, it also allows me to have plane sight of the shoes I am currently interested in wearing. (Normally, they are under the bed, fighting with the dust bunny population. And losing.) Here is what I mean.

Day before yesterday, we cleaned in our bedroom, Liz, and I. What a chore that was, let me tell you. Yikes! I should have saved all of the dust bunny population to make throw pillows! Hahaha! (No. Seriously!)

I am off to put together some of the things we are taking to LA with us tonight. We are driving up to leave Liz, and Gabi, with her folks for two weeks, as I mentioned earlier. I am very sure that she will be sorely missed here, but greatly enjoyed there.

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones, will you?