Even more

So, still middle of November; still nothing to do.

Wrong. I took the opportunity, again today, to do some more picking up; this time, in the pantry. And, boy, did it need picking up.

We have such a small apartment, by our prior living space standards, that finding places for everything has to get creative at times.

Also, we can’t just take items we no longer need, or want, up to the Goodwill, or the Salvation Army. There is no such thing here. That is probably the most difficult thing we have to deal with on a routine basis.

On to the picking up. Recently, every time I’ve gone into the panty, I’ve had to skirt my way around bins of this, and that, having found their way into said pantry through no fault of their own. But, now was the day to take charge of the bins, and deal with everything accordingly.

Here is how it all looked this morning.

Coming into the laundry “room”, on the way to the pantry.
Inside the pantry, with no place to go.
More obstacles.

Again, I spent about 45 minutes rearranging, combining, moving each bin to a more efficient location, and hoping against hope they will remain thus for some time to come.

Here are the results.

Most everything has been dealt with, and nothing is ever perfect. It is taking us some time to live with the “less is more” philosophy, not to mention, buying things we “need/want” usually comes in bulk. Bummer.

That’s it for today. Just going to go enjoy the apartment as it is. We still have lots to do, but as my favorite witch said, “All in good time my pretty. All in good time.”

Until next time, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.