
Who needs it, I say?!

Gosh. Come to think of it, we do. Ours was disconnected, you read that correctly, disconnected at the ignominious hour of eight o’clock this morning!!! And has not chosen to resume its duties even as I type this; it is six thirty six of the same evening!!!

It helps, exponentially, if one pays ones bill when said bill is due; not two weeks after said bills due date. Just thought I should pass that along should anyone not understand the meaning of due date. I, obviously, need to add this type of thing to my already packed calendar of events, do you think? (Do NOT tell my husband that, indeed, it was entered into said packed calendar of events, (further to be known as PCOE), and was, evidently, missed.

I could (probably) not be more sorry if I tried. However, our schedule is such that, each evening, I receive all of the messages for the multiple nothings that need be done the following day, on my cell phone, my Apple watch, my iPad, and my iPad Pro. Consequently, I read, or see, none of them. Actually, as we rarely have anything to do the following day, or any day, as it happens, there is rarely anything to read.

Hence, the missed notice of the electricity bill coming due. As it is all in Spanish, I can, safely, still say that I cannot understand all that is on said bill; such as the date the bill needs to be paid. (Limite de pago). Evidently, one has about two weeks after the payment limit before one wakes up without electricity.

I want to say that this happened to us, and I wrote about it, sometime shortly after we moved in here. (Another memory blocked, thankfully, by the invention of liquid anesthesia.)

Please, while you check your bills for their due dates, make out your checks to the various companies to which you owe money for the use of their utilities, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.