Egg bites

We haven’t discussed egg bites for a while, have we?

Today is the day, lucky you.

Instant Pot egg bites. At Starbucks, they are 2 for $5. I made 14, which, altogether didn’t cost $5.

This morning, really this afternoon, I got together some of my favorite ingredients, and put together 14 lovely little egg bites. The list of ingredients are as follows: for the base, into the blender went 8 eggs, 1/4 cup shredded mozzarella cheese, 1/3 cup cottage cheese, 1/4 cup Kefir fermented milk, and, about a half teaspoon salt. The following items were all cut into a small dice; the bottom 2 cm. of a red pepper, roasted; 2 slices cooked bacon; 1 thin slice purple onion; 1 small serrano; and, 4 cherry tomatoes. I forget the dozen baby spinach leaves.

Unfortunately, the serrano was spicy enough to negate the other flavors, and has left my mouth on fire. The bacon has almost no flavor whatsoever, so that was a wash. At this moment, the only thing I can taste, or feel, rather, is the serrano. Damn.

Egg bites with a slice of ripe avocado. Yumm.

The bacon is from the second, or third, order I placed with the online app. Justo. They deliver the groceries to your door. Lovely. Their bacon is flavorless, however. Double damn. I accidentally ordered 10 kilos of the stuff, in 1/2 kilo packages, and have been trying to give it away since. To no avail. Oh, well. Bacon surrounded jalapeños are coming next.

With brown sugar to top; of course.

Until then, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Post script: I have only 12 more egg bites to eat. Maybe Jesús will eat some; he much enjoys spicy food.