Ear wax

He is obsessed with videos of ear wax removal.

On YT, there are hundreds of videos showing the removal of impacted, possibly hereditary, ear wax.


For years, I saw ear wax being removed by surgeons trained in its removal, and never really gave it much thought. Since he has become so cognizant of its existence, it has become more of a ‘thing’.

Mostly, the people in the videos are from third world countries; people who have, possibly, a lack of education about how to keep their ears clean of ear wax. OMG. It gets real, watching the videos. The amount of wax removed from those ears gets a bit overwhelming at times. Even he thinks so.

But, then there are the infected cow, and horses hooves. I do believe he is going to take up hoof cleaning as a hobby. Some of the videos I’ve peeked at are absolutely horrendous. The men cleaning these hooves always asks the owners why they don’t bring the animals in sooner. Some of the hooves that we’ve seen are several inches long, from neglect. Horrible.

Gosh, if you’re looking for a new “something” to watch on YT, try the two fun things already mentioned.

If they aren’t to your liking, there are always the butt flies.

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect yourselves.