Due credit

Ivan has been working like a man possessed.

Most of the “things” we have collected over the years belong to him, therefore, he has been working, quite faithfully, to sort out all of the things we need to keep, things we can give to others, and things to discard. He has made a huge dent in the number of totes we have left to go through. Thank you honey.

The discard pile is quite a bit smaller than the other piles, I must say. That is ok. Much of what we have, and needed up North, we no longer need down here; that does not mean that others can not find uses for them.

Wool coats, mittens, hats, scarves, etc., we no longer need here. Two, or three, dozen pairs of underwear, socks, t-shirts, and, in my case, sports bras. Let us not forget to mention sets of bedding. Wow. I did not realize we had so many sets of sheets, duvets, and comforters.

We do; we did. We have gone through all of these things, and have several totes that, in time, will go to Los Altos, for storage, and then for use. We have all of those “things” because I was not interested in going up and down two flights of stairs, every week, to do laundry. I did not care for our laundry room, so I went there as infrequently as possible. Hence all of the aforementioned “things”.

Here, however, the laundry area is one of the nicest places in the apartment; full of indirect light, and fresh air, plants, and is twenty steps from the bedrooms. Lovely.

Things are going to change around here. I will keep you updated as they do, but they have yet to start unfolding.

While we all wait for that, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Happy Thanksgiving to those reading this in the US. Enjoy your families, and a day from work.