Driving around

Wow! Ivan and I were driving to Home Depot earlier today, (actually, it was Monday), and took a wrong turn. Have you ever been in a city you are not quite familiar with, and, somehow, you find you are in the wrong lane, going straight, when you needed to be in the right, or middle, lane, and you just missed the turnoff to the right? Now where the hell are we, and how do we get back to where we were supposed to turn?

Listen up folks. There is this really neat app. on my Apple XR, you probably have it too, called Google Maps, which works, so I have been told, all over the world. The most important thing is to, at times, listen to her directions. Having said that, we made our way around, and through, some dicey neighborhoods for a while. But as my pilot has a very keen sense of direction, unlike his copilot, ahem, we made it back to the beginning of our route, and progressed from there, without delay, to Home Depot- safe and sound. However, the lanes were so narrow, with cars parked here, and there, very haphazardly, I was sure we would hit one of them. But, fortunate for us, we did not. Kudos to my pilot, and his amazing driving skills. He, and his built-ins keep us driving around. 😉

Next week you can expect to read:

Back to the Dentist

El Metro

El Salon Berlin

The Art of Window Film Application


Different Languages

Breathtaking Bougainvillea

Hope you stop by, read, and leave me a comment, if you want. Thanks.