
My gosh. Recently, when we had gone to the Office of Immigration, we decided, because it was so late getting out of there, to take a taxi back home, well, to the Metro, close to our condo.

It had been overcast all day, no rain, however. We got about two kilometers away from the office and, all of a sudden, the skies above opened up with a downpour unlike we have seen in a long time. It rained so hard the cars in front of us were either driving very slowly or pulling over altogether.

The taxi driver’s front passenger window was leaking water on Enrique, and the front and backs windows were fogging up. He turned on the AC briefly, which helped some, and had E stuff a cloth, of some sort, in the window to stop the leak. Comical really.

Then came the hail. Small chunks of ice, to start with, which, fairly quickly, turned to sheets of ice. Amazing, to be in a new city, in completely different surroundings, and not be able to see out the car windows.

Of course I panicked. I expected nothing less, dis you? I have such a limited vocabulary and ability to know where I am in the city, especially when we are in places in which we are not familiar.

We survived, obviously. Plus, the taxi ride was only two hundred pesos. (We gave him three hundred for his excellent driving skills.

We collected E’s car from the Metro, and went to an Argentinian restaurant and had dinner. It was seven o’clock and we had not eaten all day. It was manna from Heaven.