
A few months ago I made the onion jam, and potato chips to which I alluded, and both are/were delicious.

My onion jam. It is delicious.
The 1st, and last batch of potato chips.

I made the onion jam with balsamic vinegar, brown sugar, red wine vinegar, water, and S&P. It took about 20 minutes to slowly caramelize the onions after which I added the other ingredients. I used 2 large white onions, finely sliced on my fancy schmancy mandolin, about which I told you recently, and will never make it any other way. The end result doesn’t look very good, but the flavor is devine.

I then made potato chips using 4 medium(ish) Yukon Gold potatoes, also sliced on the same setting of the fancy schmancy mandolin, then fried in a small pan of canola oil about 3” deep.

My trusty “deep fryer”.

The chips actually look better than they taste. The darker ones are crisp, but the lighter ones are not, but they’re fine, and will do in a pinch. Sometimes I just want something crunchy with a potentially quiet sandwich.

Lot’s to do tomorrow. Going to make the puff pastry, then some spicy hot wings, freeze the pastry, then vacuum seal it. I might make another batch of the apple turnovers, but this time with the new puff pastry. Can’t wait.

Until next time, you know what to do.

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