Dog walkers

There is a very big business down here, as the title suggests- dog walking. They are everywhere. Men, women and dogs.

Some walk two, or three dogs at a time, others five, and six. The really interesting thing is that the dogs all walk together like old friends. I have never seen a single dog become unruly. It is as if they are on a play date, and they are all out having a great time. Comical.

It must be quite a large job market as their are so many people who live in apartments, or condos, and work during the day that they pay others to keep their pets fed and watered.

It is nothing to see a person holding the leashes of six small dogs, walking around the park, the walker holding a plastic bag for the poop. And they seem very respectful of the other occupants in the park. Rarely do you have to step around, or over, dog poo. If you do, it is usually from a stray animal. But there are fewer of those than I imagined there would be, for a city this large.

This may have to become a part time job for Ivan and me in the future. We both enjoy dogs, and may need to add to our retirement income. Who know? 😉