Do you have one of these?

This little gadget has become indispensable in our kitchen of late. I use it to remove the hot bowl of instant oatmeal from the microwave for Ivan; to remove a half sheet pan of buffalo wings from the Smart oven. We tried a different style, but this one works the best.

It feels so secure in my hand that I can move whatever I’m picking up with ease. The other ones we had were a bit smaller, and not spring loaded; I think that is the difference- the spring. This one, also, has the little locking mechanism so it stays shut in the drawer.

Just thought you might not have known about these, but that it might come in handy for you too.

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

2 thoughts on “Do you have one of these?”

    1. Sorry about that. They’re called hot plate grippers, and most are less than $10. Worth every penny.

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