At its finest.

Who doesn’t like a well positioned, well secured, (more or less), toilet paper holder?

I do. So, I did.

We have had a roll of TP on the counter, just above where it is now, for the past 4 years!!! Arrrrgh.

So, the other day, after asking YKW to install, (again, x for the past month, though, to be honest, he has been soooo busy with other things), I decided that I could, then did do it myself.

Is it perfect? Heck no, ‘cuz I’m not perfect. I just wanted the damned thing off the counter, and where it belonged.

When I used the toilet, (can I say the word toilet without it seeming to be something evil?), I find that it is not exactly where I wanted it. Too bad; so sad.

It is where it is, and there is where it will be, until I can’t stand it there anymore. Then, it will be moved, probably an inch, or two, to the left. I wanted to put it on the surface facing the toilet, but the opening is to the right, and that wouldn’t work. Damn.

For now, it is where it is, and it is farrrr better than on the counter. I’m trying to clean things up around here, with all of this renewed, (new) energy. It had to change.

On another note altogether, I have put the Aeonium Kiwi to “rest” on the far right side of the planter box. The summer is the “off” season for them, so they have gone dormant. I am able to keep a close watch on them as I water, or spritz, the other plants close to it, so it’s all good.

Until next we meet, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Post script: NOOM is going incredibly well.

Here is where it will be until I decide differently. You can see the hole where I screwed it in the first time. The second was better. There may, or may not, be a third attempt. We’ll see.