Ding Dongs™

Several months ago, Ivan wanted to buy Ding Dongs ™ so J&L, and Gaby, of course, could try them. (Not to mention that they are Ivan’s favorites.)

We couldn’t find them anywhere, so he went online, of course, to Mercado Libre, and found them there. Having found them, he ordered 2 boxes of 12 which would be delivered within the week.

Great. Can’t wait.

Time went by, but I didn’t remember that he said they had been delivered. So, I asked him.

He replied, rather sheepishly, that they had, indeed, been delivered. Period. Nothing else. No other comment, or response.

Ok. No big deal. I didn’t need one anyway. I went on about my business, and didn’t think anything else about them until one day

I was walking through the pantry, and caught, out of the corner of my eye, something I hadn’t noticed before. It was very dark in the pantry, so when I turned on the light, and looked at whatever that was, I started laughing. Maybe you’ll do the same.

There are, indeed, 2 boxes of 12, and they are definitely labeled as Ding Dongs™, but they are definitely not the kind we used to get in the States. Take a look.

Now we have all of these cups of Ding Dong™ flavored coffee, but have no way of using them. Do you think we can empty them into the nest of our percolator, and brew them that way?

Let me know. Until next we meet,

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves. Repeat.

Post script: this is the second draft of this post as after I typed, completely, the first version, (which, I think, was actually better), when I went to touch “Save Draft” I accidentally touched “Discard”. Unfortunately, there is no prompt to ask you if you are sure you want to discard it.


Sorry. It’s me. I was gone but I’m back now.