Día de los Muertos

It will be here in the next week – el Día de los Muertos, or Halloween, for you in the North.

Día de los Muertos is actually celebrated on both November first and second down here. It came to be a celebration by combining both All Saints Day, and All Souls Days, which were minor celebrations in the Catholic Church. Celebration is fun, joyful, and quite a sight to behold we are told. We are both looking forward to seeing, for ourselves, what this is all about.

I only have a few photos at the moment because we have not had to go downtown for the last couple of weeks. When we do, I will add more photos. Until then, I will include some photos from last year when we were here visiting.

This shows some of the gifts being left for family members that have already passed on.
This is the homage that Paty made for her family members that have passed away.
Here is a beauty from last year. They always make me smile because of their beautiful colors.
Ivan and me, last year, with our respective ghouls. Tourists!!
This is a photo of the parade last year, downtown. This year we hope to witness it first hand. Or skull, or skeleton.
These marigolds have been planted at most parks along every boulevard.
Driving too fast to get a decent photo, but you get the idea.

All around the city, workers have planted these huge groups of large marigolds, to bring color for el Día de Muertos. All along the boulevards are these groupings. Unfortunately, we are usually driving too fast for me to take more photos of them, but they are everywhere. One of these days (soon) we will go back to the downtown area to see if the calaveras (skulls) are on display yet, or not. Those, and the beautiful, handmade creatures above. Here, however, are a few of the hundreds of calaveras from last year.

If you can enlarge this you will see that these are all individual beads glued on to the skull base. Is this amazing, or what?!?
My favorite. This is Dr. Arturo Lara, brother of Paty.

Until tomorrow.

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