Delta variant

This post saddens my heart. It is to let you know that the Delta variant of the CoVid19 virus, is quite virulent, and is taking victims in my hometown.

My sister in law, Mayra, contacted me yesterday, telling me that a very old family friend and neighbor, Cindy, and her son, are in medically induced comas, having contracted the Delta variant of the CoVid19 virus. Cindy’ son, in his early thirties, is morbidity obese, and not expected to live. Cindy is in her fifties; her prognosis, unknown at the time of this post; the “old” is in reference to how long we have known her.

She was a little girl, as was Mayra, when Ivan introduced me to that family. They were neighbors of Ivan’s family, having been very helpful to the Cavazos family when they first moved to Moline; into the family home. As neighbors, they all grew up together, sleeping over at the other’s house, eating with the other’s family, being in each other’s pockets, the whole neighborly thing.

In defense of Cindy, Mayra reminded me that Cindy runs a daycare in her home, and has for years, and that she keeps a very clean environment. She has even been awarded for keeping it thus. As Mayra said, “it’s just that everyone has to do their part. And we can’t trust that they will.”

EXACTLY!! That is exactly why you need to wash your hands, at every opportunity. Keep your mouth covered; dispose of, or wash your masks frequently. In fact, buy a dozen, or so masks, so you have a clean one every time you need one. Keep a couple with you at all times; in your car, in your purse, your desk, your jacket pockets. It only takes one time to slip up; the virus is simply waiting for its chance. It knows how to do only one thing; find a host and multiply.

At the end of our texting, I suggested that she go have a good cry, but remember that others we both know, will probably succumb to this horrid virus before it is all over. The other thing I reminded her, was to WASH YOUR HANDS.

Covering your mouth certainly cannot hurt, unless you are purposely in a place amongst obviously ill people. Not even sure hand washing will help then. So, stay away from those that show obvious signs of a cough, or fever, keep your mouth covered, and touch as little as possible. Then, wash your hands. It really is the first line of defense in this fight.

I, personally, Ivan as well, will not put ourselves in that kind of environment, knowingly. We stay as far away from people wherever we go, and wash our hands frequently. Has this made a difference in our not having contracted the virus? I do not know, nor do I care to know. Maybe we have developed an immunity to the strains. Who knows?

I will not say anymore, but I post this so those of you that are follow me, understand that this is not just taking place in some other part of the world, and, does not affect you. It is everywhere, and affects all of us, period. Defend yourselves, and your loved ones. Defend each other. Be one of those people that others can trust.