
At Liverpool, they have put up some of the most beautiful decorations of any I have seen. Ever.

Going up the escalators, there are multiple strands of tiny white lights, with thin, transparent white leaves just next to the light bulb itself. It reminds me, so much, of scenes from The Lord of the Rings, the elven folk, specifically. They are nothing short of magical.

There are almost a dozen shallow bowls, low to the ground, and about a foot and a half in diameter, filled with white, and pink, and red poinsettias set about at all of the major entrances to the stores in the Liverpool mall.

There are huge Christmas ornaments hanging in obvious places, but not so many as to be gauche. Above the bridges, which are two stories up, hang huge, round ornaments that have lights on either side of them. Mind you, the ornaments, themselves, are strung from the ceiling, which is one third tiles, in the middle of the ceiling, with glass on each side of the tiles. When the sun shines down through the ceiling windows, it shines on the ornaments, and is breathtaking.

I keep wishing that I could upload the photos, but, actually, without them, it makes me describe all of the details I get to see. I hope you are able to see these things through my words.