Day 109

You may be happy to know that I am, currently, not drinking tequila, and, have not for several nights now. I feel great.

My ability to speak, and understand Spanish increases exponentially when I do not muddy my mind with alcohol. I know it sounds like a news flash, but I hope someone out there is learning from my mistakes.

I have lost, easily, five, or more, kilos from, mostly, bloat, and water retention so that is a plus. I am not wearing my wrap today, and have no back pain. I no longer appear thirteen months pregnant, with twins, either. Win, win.

My prosthetic tooth is not in yet, so I can only chew on the right side of my mouth. That, too, helps with the overeating as well. Another win, win.

When I was drinking, nightly, I forgot that I normally chewed my food on the left side of my mouth. This was because I had a tooth from Hell on the right side, that was fixed just before we moved. It was a long time getting fixed. (I do not like giving up control of the pain in my mouth to just anyone). That said:

Until my tooth comes in, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Cover your mouth, wash your hands, and protect your loved ones.