Day six of isolation

Not much to report today folks. We went to Costco this afternoon and bought some beautiful steaks. Ivan is in the grilling mood so who am I to object. Have not eaten very many steaks I did not like.

We have purchased about nine steaks, and plan to freeze, then vacuum seal the leftovers, to have a ready protein throughout the time we are going to be here. If we do not get them eaten while we are here, they will have them after we leave.

Everyone here seems in good spirits, and, more importantly, good health.

It is about ten thirty, and Ivan’s dad has just come up to go to bed. It is so heartwarming to watch Ivan help his dad finish his ablutions. At this particular time of year, it is quite warm here, so none of us sleep with much on. Ivan is explaining to his dad about the virus that is keeping us here, as well as the heat we are experiencing, that it is ok to sleep in his underwear.

We never expected to have Juan with us, at this time in our lives, but he is, and we enjoy every minute his is with us. We have to show him how to do simple things, things that he used to know how to do by rote, and it makes us think that, someday, this will be us. Someone will need to show us how to use a fork, or a knife, even a spoon. The circle of life.