Day seven of isolation

Still nothing of interest to write about. Our friend, Enrique, has a cough, and sore throat, went to Clinic, but tested negative for CoVid19. He was instructed NOT to go to the CoVid clinics, because he would probably pick it up there, in his decreased condition. He was also told, what? DO NOT TAKE IBUPROFEN!!! He is currently in another two week isolation, so we will not be seeing him until mid April. We miss him already.

Ivan’s cousin, or, more easily understood, Juan’s older brother, Pancho, and his wife, Alma Laura, delivered some lovely groceries this evening- things we will need over the next few weeks, if we are going to continue to stay here. (Good idea, we think).

They brought eggs, tortillas, a couple of different kinds of meat, cheeses, jellos, Chocolate milk mix, salsa, a BIG bag of sweet bread, (pan dulce), some of the things one needs to cook for “the boys”. (They did not know we were here, already stockpiling food for the next few weeks).

Ivan grilled out some beautiful sirloin steaks the other night, and, since we are only six here, and, really, no one eats very much, I froze, then vacuum sealed them, so, we will have steak meat for awhile yet.

Also, I made about four kilos of pork, in the Instant Pot, (you know, with the onions, and beer), and have frozen most of it, and, again, shrink wrapped it for later use. Not to mention the two pounds of pinto beans, also in the IP, that we are consuming small amounts of daily. (I am not even going to mention the gas)!!! My rice has improved tremendously in the past few weeks, as well my sopa de fideo. Fresh veg, is a bit more difficult to obtain, except at the kiosk about two blocks away.

Also, Ivan, and Juan’s youngest brother, Marco, put up the wall mounted TV in Juan’s room today. It took about an hour and a half, and it looks amazing. A great job by both of them. Yes, I started to help, but I had dinner to prepare. That is my specialty, not winding my way through a list of visual instructions. They did an excellent job without my help. Rest assured.

Ok, so a few things did happen today, however, it sure did not seem like it while it was happening. We hope all of you and yours are safe, and virus free. Let me know how you are doing. Please.