Day four of CoVid 19 isolation

We are on our way to Juan’s house for the next week. His brother, Pepe, along with Paty, and their son Arturo, are going to go on holiday for a week, to visit their oldest son, Pepe, in northern México. Everything is packed up and ready. There was a lot to pack, too.

When one uses a CPAP, as I have, for about seven, or eight years now, plus, I have the SoClean2, a machine that keeps the entire system clean, daily, it is quite the setup, and take down. Worth every minute, do not misunderstand me. I felt my life come back to me when my friend, Lynn K., let me have her CPAP machine. She did not care for it, and could not get used to it. Thank you, again, Lynn. It has saved my life.

After a horrible, not to mention sleepless, night during a sleep study several years ago, they noted that I actually stopped breathing more than twenty times in one hour. Stopped breathing. No wonder I was so tired all of the time. Since I have become reliant on the CPAP, I am completely unable to sleep without it. So, to prevent nightly panic attacks, the whole system goes where I go.

I digressed, again. Not sure what food will need to go with us. Thinking we will find out soon enough. Will let you know how the day progresses.

I hope and pray all of you stay safe, and sane, in your homes. I am thinking about all of you, everyday. I am trying not to worry too much about you.

I am, also, trying not to worry about the little vendor man, at our favorite Mercado, who will not be able to sell his produce. And, what will happen to him, not having his few pesos everyday? My heart hurts for all of you, those reliant on a paycheck. I thank the good Lord everyday for my retirement.