Day 97

Woohoo!!! The “house” phone just rang, (the one that anyone uses at the front door, downstairs, inside or outside, to talk with us), and, I answered it. Yes, you read that correctly. I answered it. It was a delivery man from Estafeta, a company, like FedEx, or DHL, but used, quite frequently, for international deliveries.

The gentleman, at the other end, who was outside, said he had a package for us. So I got my keys, and headed for the front door. The main door has a four dead bolt lock, plus a regular, one bolt lock, though both open using the same key, turned multiple times in the lock.

Anyway, I went downstairs, signed for the package, and walked back up stairs, just a bit lighter in my step than yesterday. You see, last night, I decided to start watching my absolute favorite show, (at the moment) “Chicago Fire”, by listening to it in Spanish, with English subtitles. You cannot imagine, in just a few, short hours, how much confidence it has given me. Somewhere, in the back of my all too feeble mind, that little bit of audible Spanish has given me the impetus to continue my self-education of the beautiful Spanish language, though, this time, jumping in with both feet, so to speak.

I was momentarily struck by just how much Spanish I already know, yet, do not give myself any credit. Dumb! So, while I am continuing on my second language journey, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Cover your mouth, wash your hands, and stay vigilant. No one can do it for you.

Post script: Happy Fourth of July, though, down here, we have read that most celebrations have been cancelled. That does not make the day any less needing to be celebrated. The independence of the leading nation in the world needs to be remembered, with, or without all of the hoopla! Take the country back from ANTIFA, and all of the looters, and MakeAmericaGreatAgain.