Day 87

Today, I am going to start making my liquid laundry soap, thanks to my amazing sister in law, Mayra.

M sent me all of the ingredients I needed, without the $156 price tag!!! She has not told me, but I am hoping these items did not cost her more then $30 or $40, total.

Ivan and I had been drinking a lot of Kirkland’s 100% Cranberry juice lately, and, as a result, there were several empties on the floor, in the kitchen. When he came in to empty the garbage bags, I asked him about the bottles. “Aren’t you going to make laundry soap soon? Don’t you need those to give your soap away?” Well, duh!!

Of course I did, I do, and I am so glad he remembered that I need them to use for the laundry soap. With the people at work, that I used to make soap for, they would refill a large bottle whenever they needed more soap. That way, I did not have to cover the expense of a container, only the soap products.

The products that I use, then, and now, comes to pennies per load. Actually, for a top loader, I used 1/4 cup of the soap, and for a front loader, 1/8 cup. All of this turned out to be less than $.02 per load. Check out what you are spending per load on your wash day.

Until you check in again, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, protect your family.