Day 85

I have come to realize that I have not spoken much about the wonderful neighbors we had, while living in Iowa. Let me rectify that right now.

Duke, Alissa, Cady, Jack, and Lacey- the absolute best neighbors anyone, in their right minds, could have ever asked for. We have never, before, or since, had such wonderful people that we could rely on, like this family. They are the family we chose.

In the summer, the kids would mow our yard, front and back, for only about a half million dollars each week. JK.

That we grew vegetables, by the truck load, many of you will remember. The kids would come over, and help us harvest, and eat them, so very little went to waste. Jack, and Lacey, especially, would come over, and eat the grape tomatoes right off the vines, not getting very many home, when all was said, and, done.

I had the chance, once, to stop Lacey, for a moment, and, try to pass along some of my “garden knowledge” to her, so, hopefullly, she would relay it to her family, if the time ever came. Evan Jack gave me some time, to do the same with him. I told them both to make sure to plant basil in between each tomato plant, to keep the bugs off the tomatoes. Another thing, to put a small cup of beer, semi submerged in the garden soil, if they noticed slugs on the veg. I explained that this would lure the slugs to the beer, and drown them, all without chemicals.

I must say, I never used chemicals in my gardens, never. I always looked to get rid of garden “pests” organically. I gave most of my produce away, because I could never put a price tag on what I was doing. I used all of our “waste” as compost, and fed the gardens from that. I am very proud of the vegetables I was able to produce, and miss doing that to this day.

Did I talk too much to the kids? Do they remember anything I tried to teach them? I have no idea. I can only hope they did. Gardening is such an underrated hobby that it hurts me to think that, someday, it may be obsolete. Remember this, it is the only way to know what is actually in your food.

Until next time, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, protect your loved ones.