Day 83

Somewhere, in the condo, or condos surrounding us, there is quite the party going on. And, as part of said party, there is one little “ankle biter” that is trying to tell everyone to SHUT UP!

To no avail, however. No one, but the rest of us old fogeys, who, at twelve thirty, might be trying to get to sleep!!! We can hear him, frantically barking. Fortunately, it is far enough away that, when we shut the bedroom window, we probably, well, hopefully, will no longer hear it.

It is not like you can call 911, and report this kind of thing. That sort of call is best left for threats on ones life, not a barking dog.

Needless to say, now, several days later, we did get some sleep, though, not much.

Since we have been quarantined, we go to bed about midnight, sleep until about three am., get up, watch something on our computers for an hour or so, go back to bed, sleep for a few hours, and get up, again, about ten thirty, for the day. It is going to take us weeks to get back into a routine, that does not include being on the computer at all hours of the night.

Until then, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, and cover your mouth. Protect your families.