Day 79

What is a person to do when they have no internet?

Interesting, how dependent Ivan, and I, are on the internet. Everything we do is on line nowadays. We watch videos on YouTube, play puzzles, write blog posts, pay bills. (Evidently the cable bill slipped past me, however. That is what happens to me when I am bored out of my mind). We will just have to watch, what? Come on. You know what. GOT. 😉 Actually, we ended up watching Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Animated. Really good.

Not that forgetting is something new for me. I have become increasingly forgetful as I age. Annoying, to say the least. I am always reminded that this is natural with aging, and I would rather get older than not. So be it.

I was going to start knitting my shawl again, as I just found it the other day, but decided I had better wait until we are able to get out and about regularly. There is something about being able to go outside that spurs the imagination. When I knit for awhile, and then stop for awhile, I tend to lose my place in the pattern. Then I end up ripping back all of my hard work. Best left for another day.

As always, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, and cover your mouth.

Post script: Happy sixty seventh birthday to my brother, Eric, who happens to be in Abu Dabi, helping others with the CoVid19 virus pandemic. I hope you are safe, and healthy.