Day 78


I really cannot tell you how smooth my face feels. IT IS INCREDIBLE!! I have no recollection of my face ever being this smooth. Ever!

My astringent goes on so smoothly, as does my moisturizer. I have not worn makeup for quite some time as we really only go to the grocery stores. And who, there, cares if I have makeup on or not?

I did have some reddened skin for about twenty four hours, but, again, who cared? I certainly did not. To have all of that peach fuzz gone was remarkable. Something I never thought would happen.

I will tell you, these blades are made by Shick, and are called derma- something. They are tiny blades, about two centimeters long, on a plastic handle, with a protective cap. Mine cost about ten dollars for three, but, I believe they are about three dollar, and, change in the US.

Ten minutes, and the deed was done. I thought it would be more difficult, but, it was not. I thought it might hurt, but, it did not. Actually, I had many thoughts, but none of them came true.

It was simple, clean, efficient. My face feels amazing!!! And, even after a few days, I am still happy with what I have done.

Will I continue to shave every week? You can bet your next paycheck on it.

Stay happy, stay safe, stay healthy. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.