Day 76

I am going to shave, my face that is. I have watched a half dozen YT videos on the subject, and my little bitty derma- plane blades will be here in the middle of the week.

I know what you are thinking- your hair will grow back black, and stubby, like a beard. Not so ladies. That is a myth, perpetuated by women with too little estrogen, or too much testosterone.

The truth is that those of us with “peach fuzz” long enough to braid, although it is white, and soft, it is still annoying, so, off it goes. Those women who show themselves on the videos, say that their skin is so much smoother, that it takes foundation, concealer, moisturizer, powder, whatever you put on your face, and makes your skin feel soft, but smooth. It dermabrades your skin, meaning, it removes all of the dead skin cells you may not even realize you have. Your makeup looks smooth, and natural again. If you use powder, to set your foundation, that does not clump up anymore. Plus, they recommend you only do this once a week.

Well, I am here to tell you that five to ten minutes, once a week, I am in. With both feet, I am in. I cannot wait. Of course I will let you know how it goes. But think about it. Women with darker skin, women of Western European decent, we all have these fuzzy little “beards”, and felt there was nothing we could do about it.

Oh, and do not forget the newly acquired mustache!!! What is up with that? All of that will be gone before this time next week. Until then…..

Stay happy, stay healthy, and stay safe. Wash your hands, cover you mouth, and buy a gun. It sounds like it may be coming to that.