Day 75

Puzzles. I adore doing puzzles, especially since my sister, Nancy, reminded me about puzzles. She showed me in a text which one she has been using, to remain sane, during this incarceration. Low, and behold, it is the same one I used to play, back in the States. How fun is that?

One thing she did mention, but I chose to gloss over it, was that she was now addicted to playing puzzles. How silly is that, I thought. Let me just say, that at two o’clock this morning, it was not so silly.

My back is hurting, my shoulders are solid rocks, my neck is stiff, and I am loving every minute of it. I went to “sleep”, (read, I laid horizontally on the bed), and the music of the puzzle kept going through my head for hours. In fact, I heard it for so long, I was able to make out several of the harmonies within the music. Thank you sister mine.

We have lost our ability to sleep a night through, and are up, and down, all night long. Ivan “naps” during the day, and, sometimes, I too, will lie down for thirty minutes or so. To no avail, however. I rearely achieve REM sleep, but do, occasionally dream, so that is better than nothing. There is only so much one can do while incarcerated. If only we had……

If you, too, are looking for puzzles apps. on your phone, or computer, Jigsaw HD is free, and amazing. The puzzles are beautiful. You can change the number of puzzle pieces you want to use, (currently I am up to 225 pieces), because the more pieces, the more difficult, and time consuming is the puzzle. Be prepared to lose hours out of your otherwise busy schedule.

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, and cover your mouth.

Post script: Protesters at the US embassy were throwing Molotov cocktails over the metal wall that had been constructed several weeks ago, around the perimeter of the embassy. I do not know any more than that, unsure if anyone was injured. Not sure, exactly, what they were protesting about either- the video did not say. Stay safe people.