Day 73

Have I mentioned how much I enjoy having the windows open? We have the windows open in each, and every room. We are fortunate enough to have screens in all of the windows, so we have no bugs. How exciting is that?

Getting used to the few dogs barking, (or howling, as the case may be), that are in this condo, and the one next to us, has been a challenge. Especially since there are not to be any dogs in this condo. But, again, that is better left for another day.

Looking out our bedroom window, into the middle of the open space above the garages down below, and up to the top floor, there are only two, or, maybe, three other condos that have screens on their windows. There are no screens on the windows at Juan’s house, except upstairs, in the solarium. It is not the norm, here, to have screens, but we do, so I am taking full advantage of them. Plus, we have the window film, reflecting some of the heat outside, so being able to have the windows open is a win.

The fresh air, even when the heat is at its zenith, which is usually about three in the afternoon, and, it is eighty eight degrees, it is still quite comfortable. I can say that now, as I must be getting climatized.

We also have at least one, if not two, air circulating fans, Vornados, they are called, blowing on their lowest setting twenty four hours a day- excepting only when the power goes out. It is amazing how much white noise they produce, even if there is only one fan going. When the power goes out, everything is deathly quiet.

When we were at Costco the other day, we began looking at portable air conditioners, just in case, in the summer months, the heat becomes too unbearable, we will have cool air, at least in the bedrooms. I do not believe that I have become that climatized yet. Time will tell.

Well, folks, as always, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth. We will make it through this quarantine one day.