Day 72

We got up this morning to a YouTube notification that a policeman, in Guadalajara, was set on fire yesterday. Of course, the note was accompanied by a video clip. He had been speaking to a calm group of protesters, and, had gotten back on his motorcycle, when someone, with a scarfed face, and dark sunglasses, came up behind him. He was sprayed on his head, and back, with a liquid fire accelerant, then immediately set on fire, sending the policeman, running into the policemen gathered, trying to get help.

The crowd, calm up unto this moment, became hysterical in an instant. People were throwing things, shouting, screaming. It was awful to watch, so I watched as much as I could then turned it off.

It was noted, on the video, that the people were protesting the death of someone that had been in Guadalajara police custody for not wearing a mask in public. Several others, it was also noted, were injured in the riot that ensued.

Ivan and I have always said that other countries, México, in particular, seem to emulate all of the worst things that the United States has to offer. Graffiti, gangs, drugs, vigilantes, you name it, México does it, too. What a shame. This is such a wonderful country, and culture, with all of the beautiful art, music, food, history.

That was probably too broad a generalization, and I do not like to do that. Too true is the saying that one bad apple can spoil the whole barrel, but, conversely, it can also be said that most people, when left alone, are good, honest, decent people, and, are true to themselves, and others. It is also a shame that not more credit is given to all of the good that is done in the world.

(I had to pause for a minute, or two, because we lost power. Again.) I am back, and so is the power. A small price to pay to live in this beautiful place.

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, and cover your mouth.

I feel that, if I type the above enough times, and, if you read it enough times, then, when this pandemic is over, you may remember to do this, well, not covering your mouth all of the time, only when you cough, or sneeze, but the rest you will remember to do, forever. It is the cornerstone of good health, and hygiene. It can also prevent, or decrease, any new virus in the future.

Thus endeth the lesson. You may go. 😉