Day 70

We got to leave our “jail cell” today for a bit so we went to Costco. Of course, I had to use the bathroom. It is the only store we have been to where you can flush the toilet paper. No kidding.

You may think it is funny, but I am here to tell you that it is not! You spend the next year, putting the toilet paper in the waste receptical in the stall, no matter where you go to the bathroom. At home, do the same. Nothing can go down the toilet except biological waste. So, every two to three days we bag up all of the soiled TP, and take it to the basement, and put it in the correct garbage container. Just one other simple thing we took for granted all of our years in the states.

On another subject altogether, we have been communicating with our cousin, Jason, and his very pretty wife, Margie, in Japan. How exciting is that? We are quite interested in visiting Japan, especially now that we are both retired, and, I have our finances worked out. As I told them, Japan has been in our top five places to visit since we were still in high school, deciding all of the most important elements of our future together. They have graciously invited us to visit them in the future. As professionals in their fields, and with three young children, they are very busy, when not in quarantine, that is.

We want to visit Japan first, then, but not necessarily in this order, Great Britain, including Northern Ireland, Spain/Portugal, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Germany, France, possibly Greece, and Morocco. We will probably do the AirB&B route, as we do not socialize well, (as many of you already know), and prefer a more one to one relationship with someone that will take us around, like locals, in whichever region we find ourselves.

When we first started visiting here in Mexico City, I was seventeen, and had just graduated high school. Ivan and I took a bus from Davenport, Iowa, all the way to Mexico City. But stay tuned- that is a story for another post.

What I want to tell you is that each, and every time we visited here, for years, Ivan’s cousins, Marco, and sometimes Juan, would take us all around CDMX, places not known to be touristy. We went to the obvious tourist attractions, too, but those came after the unknown places. Every visit was more amazing than the last. That is what I want to experience when we go abroad.

Now that I have managed a blog site for almost a whole year, I am going to delve into the world of the AIRB&B. Wish me good hunting. It is not like I have something else to do right now, or someplace we have to be. Loving me some more quarantine time.

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands. Cover your mouth.