Day 69

I have to tell you, all we do is sleep, watch the internet, and eat. Another reason I could never be put in jail, or worse, prison. I would kill myself, I am sure.

This seclusion is, as I have said before, making me steadily crazier than I was before this all started. That is saying something. Bored is not even close to how I feel. Since the people from the neighboring condo were taken to the hospital two weeks ago, and two people in the small plaza, in the next block over, died three weeks ago, we are not venturing out like we used to. In fact, we took Juan’s pills over to the house the other day, and I asked Ivan to just drive around for a few minutes so we could see the sun, and feel the fresh air on our skin. It was Heaven.

We are going to venture out tomorrow, and restock our pantry, though, truth be told, we have enough non-essentials to last us until July- if only I knew how to take this, and put it with that, and come up with something amazing. But I do not. Not yet, anyway.

I feel like it has been ages since I was able to cook a decent meal, and I really do not know why I feel that way. For instance, yesterday, we had grilled salmon, with green beans, and mashed potatoes for dinner. Not too bad, I think. It just seems pointless right now. We cannot, and do not, go anywhere, except the store. Oh well. Hopefully this will all be over soon.

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands.

2 thoughts on “Day 69”

  1. To keep from going stir crazy, I downloaded a puzzle app on my iPad and now I’m addicted to putting together jigsaw puzzles… give it a try it’s kind of fun

    1. I used to have a puzzle app when we were in IA, but I don’t remember what it was called. I am going to look for it as soon as I send you this reply. Thanks for continuing to read my craziness. Sorry I was “gone” for awhile. But, I’m back. Guns blazing, so to speak. Love you sis.

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