Day 68

I cannot tell you how lightened my spirit has become since I started receiving my SS benefits again.

We have been using our credit cards to purchase quite a bit of the renovation, the upkeep on the vehicles, plus, buying the new appliances for this house, and Juan’s. Now, I have paid off the small cards that we use at the grocery/big box stores, (that way we do not have to exchange money to and from other peoples hands), and have put a rather significant dent into the two cards that have the appliances/reno on them.

Now, I am able to sleep, or not, but if I am not sleeping, it is no longer because I am worried about our debt load. As I see it, we will be, once again, debt free before Christmas this year.

There was a large gathering the other day, in the El Zocolo, the center of CDMX, (Ciudad de Mexico), sending the president of Mexico, Mr. Obradór, off to the Yucatán penninsula for a “vacation”. The cars, driving around the square, had horns blasting, people cheering, banners waving. When I asked our cousin what all of the fuss was about, he said they are hoping he stays there a long time- maybe not to return.

As you may have gathered, he is not well liked here. He made no recommendations about the CoVid19 virus for several months after the US started quarantine. We were allowed to go anywhere, and everywhere for months. Then, a photo was posted of him telling the people here that his religious tokens, called scapular, would protect him from the virus. Nonsense.

Who knows, maybe he has contracted the virus, and does not want anyone to know about it. I hope not, because that is something I do not wish upon anyone.

Stay happy, stay healthy, wash your hands.