Day 66

I was just commenting to Ivan that it was getting so dark, I wondered if it was going to rain. One thing lead to another, and, after opening up the weather app, I changed it from the standard view to the satellite view, and this is what I saw.

The blue dot, top left of the I, (the park looks like an I) is us.

I did not realize just how big the park in front of the condo really is. When we walked around it, before the plague, twice around was a mile, or, one and one half kilometers. We have not walked for several weeks now, but you-know-who keeps telling me we will start again, soon. Not soon enough by my estimation.

We have walked, twice, over to Enriques condo to take him food, and that was wonderful. We have gained so much of the weight that we lost, it is depressing. Do not worry about us, though. Once the quarantine is lifted, life will get back to normal, and we will, once again, put on our sneakers, and, our sun visors, and start off, walking, first the inside trail, then the outside trail. I cannot wait. “Normal” life 2.0.

Stay happy, stay healthy, and stay vigilant. This virus is not done with us yet.