Day 65

We awoke Saturday to find out that we lost a much loved member of our extended family. Dr. Arturo Lara passed away from complications of the CoVid19 virus. He was, as you may remember, one of our cousin Paty’s brothers. If you remember the Halloween photos, he was the one with the axe through his head, and was wearing a blood splattered apron. He is deeply missed.

Dr. Arturo Lara, and his lovely wife Tere.

On a different note, you may be interested to know that I have finally begun receiving my Social Security benefits again. I have been in communication with the US embassy here, well, with one woman in particular, since sometime this past September. It has taken them all of this time, after numerous emails back and forth, to finally get the ball rolling again. But, they did, and that is what matters.

It feels like this quarantine will be coming to an end in the near future. But, as my opening paragraph indicates, the pandemic is not done with us. So, please, keep up your guard, wash your hands, stay home, stay vigilant because the virus is still aggressive. It has not given up, so let us not give up. Not yet. We will get through this.